We are delighted to report that Itchenor Sailing Club have helped us secure a great camping area near to the clubhouse in the village of Itchenor. This is a fantastic facility and we are extremely lucky to be able to find somewhere in the village, it is very rare for anyone to be allowed to camp here. The landowner has generously allowed the use in return for a donation to the village memorial hall fund.
We will have exclusive use of a large field near to the village hall, less than half a mile from the clubhouse.
Highlights include:
- Camping for tents, caravans and camper vans.
- Site open 3 days before the event starts and closes 3 days after the event finishes.
- Fresh running water on site.
- Electricity will be provided via a generator.
- Male & Female toilet block with flush toilets cleaned daily.
- Showers will be available at the sailing club.
- There is a gate on the field that can be locked if required and it is in a quiet village setting so security will be good.
Please would you help us with the arrangements by indicating whether you intend to camp for the event. We need an idea of numbers so we can make sure we have adequate facilities on site.
Once we know numbers we will let you know the price of camping, but we are aiming to make it a reasonable cost and not onerous for families who may need more than one tent. We want you to come and enjoy this special area!
If you intend to camp please would you let Chris know on by emailing cgibbs@alanboswell.com and letting him know your approximate date of arrival / departure and number of people. We are looking for an indication rather than a firm commitment at his stage, so the information you supply won’t be binding!
And don’t forget to enter the event – click here to get to the Itchenor Website https://www.itchenorsc.co.uk/sharpie_eurocup_2019/sharpie_welcome.htm